Sunday, December 4, 2011

45 Minutes or Less

So...I basically had less than 45 minutes this morning to wake up, shower, get dressed, pack my lunch AND drive all the way to Downtown Seattle to get to work on time.

Why did I have such little time to do all of this important stuff?

Because my iPhone is stupid and the alarm I set on it last night didn't go off.

Either that or I subconsciously turned my alarm off and went back to bed.

I'm going to go with the "my iPhone is stupid" reason.

I woke up this morning and checked my phone to see time it was. It read 4:18am. the phone was supposed to wake me up at 3:30. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had to be at work in Seattle at 5...and that I normally leave my house at 4:15 to get there on time. Shit.

I scrambled out of bed and into the bathroom. I figured that if I could leave the house by 4:30, I could probably be only 10 minutes late to work.

I hopped into the shower and literally shampooed my hair, rinsed it, and got out. I was probably in there for a total of 90 seconds. I put on the closest clothes I could find...I'm not even sure they were clean.

I blow-dried my hair for 30 seconds and put on some eye liner. Then I gathered my shit and my lunch and bolted out the door to warm up my car. That was at 4:31. It had taken me 13 minutes to get up, shower and dress. That's something that normally takes me at least 45 minutes. So now we know that's possible.

After my car warmed up for about a minute, I started the drive to Seattle. I normally take Lake City Way to I-5 to get to the city, which takes about 40 minutes. I didn't have that time, so I decided to drive 520 over. I figured that if I went slightly above the speed limit, there was a chance I could get to work by 5.

Due to the un-Godly hour, there was no traffic and all the lights were green, and I managed to get from Woodinville to the King Building in Seattle at exactly 5:01am. Technically on time. I sat down at my desk and my producer said good morning.

I told her about my 45 minute ordeal this morning and she was like, "Oh...that's weird because you're totally on time." I didn't tell her that I had the stations number dialed and ready to call in case I was going to be late.

This whirlwind of a morning was the kind of moosef*ck that I did not need. I guess on the bright side I did get an extra 45 minutes of sleep. Damn you iPhone. I can't wait until I get a new one and Siri can wake me up when I tell her to.


For the second morning in a row, I had a waffle with almond butter, banana and honey. This is mainly because I was super lazy when it came to making my meals last night.

The rest of my meals today are going to get lamer from here on out. Just letting you know.


Creme Brulee almonds...because shoving a handful of almonds in a baggy is easier than making a hummus wrap.

My producer was feeling under the weather, so she let me booth the entire 10am show so she could rest. I've done three quarters of the show, but never the whole one. I was pretty excited, but also a little nervous. A whole lot of shit can go down in an A block.

But I prepared myself and the first block ran smoothly. We were 30 seconds light going into the first commercial break.

As the show went on, the amount of extra time I had was dwindling, but I was still in good shape. I ended the show with about 6 seconds to spare, and I didn't have to cut any stories. Success!


A Chocolate Peppermint Luna Bar and a cup of Blueberry Chobani Greek yogurt. I was planning on just eating the Luna Bar before I worked out, but I know me, and I know that wouldn't have been enough. So I bought the Chobani at work.

I haven't eaten any flavored yogurt since I started my diet back in September, because everything I read said the flavored stuff had a ton of sugar. That may be true, but I was desperate...and hungry. And one time won't kill me.

The Luna Bar was actually pretty tasty. Almost exactly like a candy cane brownie. Me likey!

I'm planning to run at the gym later today, but whether it's going to be more than a mile I'm not sure. My legs are feeling kind of stiff and my groin is sore (not sure why). The important thing is that I've kept up with the Runner's World Holiday Running Streak. 9 days straight!!! Only 27 more to go! But as far as my legs are concerned, three straight days of hot yoga could not come soon enough.

I'm also hoping to do this new kettle bell workout after running. It's apparently supposed to torch 300 calories in 20 minutes. Yeah, so...we'll see how that works.

Ugh...only one more weekend morning shift. Then it's sleeping there all day every day. Hells yeah buddy.


It was the most glorious day in Seattle. How can it be December?

Oh wait...because even though it's clear out my effing freezing my balls off!

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