Wednesday, December 14, 2011

On To My Weekend!

Well... I finished up my six-day work week, and the weekend could not have come soon enough.

I was totally dragging today. I'm not sure if it's because of the longer work days, or the fact that I need to pack more robust meals.

The day began earlier than normal, at 7:30. I wanted to get up early enough so I could eat breakfast and give myself plenty of time to digest my food before I hit the gym.


Last night I made myself some oatmeal so all I had to do this morning was heat it in the microwave. The oatmealzzzz has got: quick cook steel cut oats (which are amazing btdubs), pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, peanut butter, and protein powder.

I think it needed some more pumpkin pie spice, because it didn't quite taste like pumpkin pie the way I wanted it to.

After about an hour of watching DVR'd What Not to Wear, I headed to the gym. I ran two miles and did some kettle bell work. I was lucky to get the two miles in because I was getting a wicked stomach cramp.

I guess not every workout can be like the 5 kilometer run I had yesterday morning.

Then it was time to go home and get beautified for work. After communting, I was at work...early as usual.

I dug right in to my stories for the 2pm show. Our other producer/writer Billie was in to do the 15/45s, so I had a much more laid back day.


For lunch I had an open-faced tuna melt on my new Trader Joe's high fiber bread. It was good, but wasn't very filling.

I was pretty disappointed that I wanted to eat again like an hour later. Lame. Although I guess it's better that I ate at a more normal lunch time, as opposed to yesterday when I didn't get around to eating lunch until about 3pm.

What can I say? I was busy.

Since the 7pm show was nowhere near ready to be stacked, I helped Bille write the 15/45s. With our powers combined, we were able to get through them pretty quickly.

Snack 1

Since I was so hungry and didn't want to eat my packed snack so early, I went down to the cafeteria (which is open later now thank Jesus!) and got a Chobani and Sobi Life Water.

It totally hit the spot for a while. But while I was in the cafe, I spotted an old favorite of mine...the pink cookie. You know, the giant sugar cookie smothered in delicious pink frosting. I used to harange my parents into getting me one every time we went to Molbacks. So fatty.

I wa so tempted to buy it and eat it in 2.5 seconds, but I knew I would a) feel guilty about it, and b) it had probably been out there for days and was hard and stale.

So I left it. Perhaps another time, old friend.

I talked with a woman in payroll because I had some inquiries about my Paid Time Off (PTO). My family and I are planning a trip to Barcelona sometime in the (I hope) near future, and I needed to find out if I would have enough PTO in the bank to take off for two weeks.

Luckily, I had already gotten approval from my boss to take off two weeks in September, so now I just needed to hear figures from the payroll lady.

She told me that now that I am a full-time employee, the best estimate of time off I would be able to get from January to September would be about 12-13 days! Hallelujah! That's totally enough to take two weeks off (if I don't get struck down by an illness and have to take days off). Combine that with my 26 hours from this year so day, and I'd have about 16 days of PTO (or a little more than 3 weeks). Woot!

Now we're one step closer to finally getting some plane tickets to Barca. My dream trip is about to come to fruition!

After that awesome news, I did more writing, writing, writing. Blah, blah, blah.

Snack 2

When I got hungry again, I ate my grapes and cheese stick. It's the meal of champions, my friend.

More news writing ensued until we aired the 7pm show.


That's when I ate my dinner of Trader Joe's organic white cheddar shells and cheese mixed with carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Mmmmm... mac and cheese.

I added the veggies to give the meal more bulk, since the shells by themselves would have been really sad.

Now I don't have to be into work until 3pm on Saturday. It's like I'm getting a two and a half day weekend. Yay full-time!

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