Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What started off badly turned out pretty well

Today was the start of week two of my internship at the Foxy...and today did not start off so hot. First I had to get up at 7am, which sucks period. After I got ready, I checked the traffic report for my route to work on Google Maps. As usual, the "101-405-10" route was god-awful and most of the freeways were colored red (meaning the weren't moving very fast, if at all). So I decided to take the PCH route. I get going and before I even get into Malibu Canyon, there is slow-down from construction. Now, this is at 8am. The sign at the beginning of the construction zone said that they don't start working until 9am. So...why are they working an hour early and causing traffic. Probably to piss me off. Yeah, that's gotta be it. I finally make it to PCH and so far so good. Until I hit a stand still. I move along at a snail's pace for about 20 minutes until I finally get to the root of the traffic...a stupid fender bender. Seriously people? Can we please pull our heads out of each others butts before we go out for a drive? After cursing for about five minutes straight, I make it past the hold up and get to the Foxy.

Once there, Producer Matt gives me the assignment to post some Sandra
Lee (the Food Network Semi-Homemade lady) recipes on the Fox & Friends website. I'm not sure what their up to over at F&F, but they should change their name to Fox & Food with all the cooking their doing. If you go to right now, you will see my handy work on the front page. Whaddup! If my recipes aren't on the front page when you see this posting, here's the link. The recipes sounded pretty yummy, too! The one snag that I had with posting my Sandra Lee recipes was trying to find a good AP picture Semi-Homemade maven. I had to enlist the help of Producer Matt, which prompted him to give me some more of his sage advice.

Producer Matt's Life Lesson of the Day: Never be daunted...never give up. Even if comes to finding a Sandra Lee picture.

I took these words to heart and eventually found a picture of Sandra (above). Although, if you blow up the picture, it kind of looks like she has crack-whore eyes. Just sayin'. After this ish, I helped Hollie (my favorite Foxy employee by far) with her article about the TLC show, Toddlers and Tiara. If you've never watched it, click this link to read about it. I don't really want to explain it all. She had me track down people that may be pro-Toddler Pageants/any pageant directors. Not surprisingly, this was easier than it seemed. The only problem was that some of the pageant directors didn't believe in answering their phones. Rude. On the third call, I tracked someone from LA and got her comments on the positive aspects of toddler pageants. Then, about a half an hour later, one of the other ladies called back and we got her statement. I felt like such a contributor.

After transcribing some interviews for Hollie and copy-editing a monologue by (you guessed it) Glenn Beck, I was done for the day. All in all, it was a good productive day at the Foxy, and when I got home (with minimum traffic, the way I like it) there was a little present in my mailbox. The Wire: Season 2. Talk about good times. Well, I'll be off to watch my show.

However, just one final note. I finished watching the movie Interview with a Vampire today, and I got to say, as much as I find vampire movies and the like interesting, this one was just weird. First of all, Tom Cruise...ew. A blonde vampire-ish Tom Cruise...double ew. And any movie that can make Brad Pitt look like a total creepr is not a winner in my book. And that's all I have to say about that.

WTF? I never understood why he didn't
cut his hair as the years went by.

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