Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is Wrong with People???

Seriously? Why do people insist that Cristiano Ronaldo is so hot (or as one of my collegues at KCAL says, "The hottest man on the planet.")?

I mean, sure, he may be somewhat more attractive than the average joe...maybe. But don't people know that guy is a tremendous douche turd? The man has no loyalty whatsoever and will go to any team that will give him the most money. This year's winner is Real Madrid...ew. I don't even think he would be loyal to his country of Portugal if another country were to give him money and gifts. I also can't think of anyone more self-involved. The guy totally knows that everyone thinks he's the shizznit and acts accordingly: douche-like. Have you seen his twitter account? All he does is posts pictures of himself!

And don't even get me started on how he plays. With all the flopping, the cheeky back heel passes that are completely unnessecary and the selfish execution of free kicks, the guy is just a selfish bastard. Case in point: his game yesterday against SPAIN. There were several times where he was actually fouled but didn't get the call because the referee was certain that Ronaldo had flopped. Why? Because he does it all the damn time! Why would this be any different? And what would he do when he didn't get a call? He would sit on the ground and pout like a three-year-old. Yeah...that's definitely sexy. I also don't understand how Portugal could name this primadonna their squad's captain. I mean, I can't think of anyone more selfish than him or someone that cares less about the collective result. I've said it many times before and I will forever say it again...the man is a douche.


I feel like if people knew all this stuff about their "demi-god" Ronaldo, they would find him much, much, much less attractive. And now I have said my piece.

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