Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thoughts of a Sick Person...and by sick I mean not feeling well

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. My body thought that now would be the most appropriate time to get a head cold...just awesome. Anyway, this entry is going to have to be especially long because several things have happened to me over the last 36 hours and a lot of thoughts have popped into my head. I'm still deciding if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Anyway, about this head cold that I woke up with yesterday. It's one of those things that I get maybe 2-3 times a year...and now one of those times just happened to be while I was on vacation visiting my family. Thanks a lot, cold!
I just love it when I wake up and my throat is sore, my head is pounding, and my sinuses are clogged. And the best part about this was that I had to go to the DMV and get my new drivers license. Wahoo!!! Talk about adding insult to injury.

However, I was particularly excited about going to the DMV because it meant I would be getting my new horizontal driver's license. I'm not sure how it goes in other states, but in the Great State of Washington those that are under the age of 21 have to get a vertical driver's license where everything is up to down. Then, once you hit the ripe old age of 21 like I just did, you get your new license where everything goes side to side. I believe the state made it this way so that it's easier for people to see what age people were or something like that. I don't know...I think it's a good idea. And Washington has really kick-ass driver's licenses, as you can see above.

My dad and I get to the DMV office in Shoreline (mainly because it had the shortest wait) and I take my number (41
6). I sit down and notice that they numbers they are on now are in the 395 range. Great. Thankfully a lot of people are renewing their licenses so it really doesn't take all that long. That and the fact that the DMV people have no patience whatsoever. If you're number is called and you aren't up and ready in 5 seconds it's tough titties because they just called the next number. Another thing that I found really odd was how every time a woman with a stroller would come in, they would just stand there as if the DMV people were just going to call on them to come up to the desk. It's like, have to grab a number like everyone else. Just cuz you have a baby doesn't make you more special than me. Well...maybe it does because you have a baby and I don't but that is besides the point. I also realized at the DMV that old people are ridiculous, and that's really all I have to say about that.

Finally, number 416 is called and I practically race up there before the guy has a chance to call 417. He asked me some questions like what my weight and height were...and I totally lied on both. So what if my driver's license weight is 10 pounds less than my actual weight. Who's going to know but me? I get done with the questions then have to do the eye sight test, which
I was somehow nervous about. I kept thinking that right as I was about to do the eye test, my eyes would stop working or situational blindness. I don't know. But thankfully my eyes didn't fail me, and I got to renew my license. Now I had to wait another ten minutes to get my picture taken, which is really the moment of truth when it comes to getting your license. You better take a good picture, cuz it's going to be with you for the next five years. And sometimes the people working are so mean and won't let you take your picture over again, even if you happen to look like a retarded squirrel. Needless to say, I was feeling the pressure to deliver a stellar driver's license picture.

My name is called and I step up to the green line. Before she can take the picture, I need to comb through my hair and fluff it up a bit. I mean...five years is a long time to be stuck with a bad picture. As soon as I am done with my hair, the lady takes my picture. The flash is really bright so I am sure that I blinked. She lets me take a look at my picture and it actually looks good. And by "good" I mean it looks reallyyyyyyy good. If I could get stuck with any picture on my
license for the next five years, I'm glad I got stuck with this one.

After the visit to the DMV, my father and I decided to take in a matinee (or manatee as my dyslexic self sometimes reads it) showing of Iron Man 2. I was excited to see Iron Man 2 mainly because I enjoyed the first Iron Man so much, and also because I kind of think Robert
Downey Jr. is hot in a "I used to be a huge druggie but I got over it and made this huge comeback and now that makes me a huge badass" kind of way. And I guess Iron Man 2 was good, though I don't think it was as good as the first one. But we can leave the reviews to people who are much smarter than me. The only thing that I really took away from my afternoon at the movies was just how confusing some of the upcoming pictures are. Take Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, for example. Like, there's a dagger that turns back time...or changes the future? Is the Prince of Persia supposed to be Aladdin? Am I just a moron with this concept? Maybe I am...but I'll probably see it anyway because Jake Gyllenhaal is in it. Then I saw a trailer for the movie Inception. Talk about a mindf*ck rolled into a four minute trailer. It's Leo DiCaprio and he's some kind of cop person and he unlocks people's secrets while they are in their own dreams. WTF? And why is Juno in this movie? I was all sorts of confused. I'll probably just wait until someone bootlegs it then posts it on then watch it...kind of like I did with Shutter Island. Which...Leo, what the hell are you doing? I know it's Scorsese and all, but that movie was some effed up ish.

After the movie my dad and I picked up some Matsu's teriyaki (which if you haven't had it yet that is just too damn bad because it is so good) and went back home. At this point my head cold had reached
the crappy stage and all I wanted to do was eat and watch soccer. Which I found out that I can only really watch FC Barcelona soccer, mainly because they are just bomb dot com and every other team will never match their level of talent and damn fine soccer playing...especially the Sounders. After watching Barca man-handle whatever pathetic team they were playing, I decided to watch the movie Elizabeth. It's the one they made a few years back with Cate Blanchet as Queen Elizabeth I. I'm sure you've heard of her. I basically wanted to watch this movie because I am OBSESSED with the show The Tudors and I just like knowing my British history. After watching some Liz, I watched even more TV and then finally went to bed.

But while I was watching TV, my stuffed nose was acting quite annoying. It was where only one nostril was stuffed up, so I would have to switch whatever side I was laying on so that the snot could drain from one nostril to another. I'm not really sure how all that works, but that is why the world has doctors so they can figure that stuff out. And sorry if you didn't like ready about my snot patterns. This is my blog and I'll talk about what I want!

Fast forward to me waking up this morning still having a stuffy nose and sore throat. Only the good news was I had an hour and a half massage scheduled at 10am. I took my Tylenol Cold and my nose drops and I was on my way to the massage place. I was questioning whether an hour a
nd a half was too long for a massage, but then I quickly found out that no amount of length is too long for a massage. It was like magic and rainbows were radiating out of my masseuse's hands and into my tense muscles. It was stupendous. Then I came to the realization that if I massage came in human form, I would totally marry it. But only if it looked like Fernando Torres. Yummmmmmmmm...

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