Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Made a New Friend!

I've been following several fitness/healthy living/miscellaneous blogs for a couple months now and I have learned (at a stalker-ish rate) about some really awesome people around the country.

One blogger that I read is Theodora, who lives over in New York City. I liked her blog because she talked about how she managed to lose 50 pounds while living in the city that never sleeps. You should check it out. It's all very interesting.

Well, in one of her blog posts from about a month ago, she gave a shout out to her friend Devon, who was running in her first marathon, and offered a link to Devon's blog. Since I like reading about people running more than I like running myself (I'm kidding...kind of), I clicked on the link to see what she was all about.

I read through some of Devon's blog posts and read that she was about to go on an around the world trip, which I was totally jealous of. Then I saw that she was from Seattle. Cool beans! I think it's cool to read about someone who lives in your area. They usually have really awesome restaurant recommendations. So I started reading Devon's blog and followed her on twitter (because why not).

Fast forward to last week, when news came out that my high school English teacher had been murdered (I'm not going to get into that because it's kind of depressing). That's when I saw Devon post on twitter about the tragic passing of her old English teacher. I thought, what are the odds that there was another murdered English teacher in the Seattle area? This chick must have gone to Woodinville High.

I tweeted Devon back and asked when she attended the old WHS. She wrote me back and said that she graduated in 2005, which was my sophomore year at Woodinville.

What a small fricking world! Thanks to the power of the interwebz, I managed to find someone that not only was from my hometown, but attend Woodinville High School at the same time as me. I thought that we had to get together or something.

So, after tweeting back and forth for the last week, Devon and I finally met today. We met up for lunch and beer at Redhook (because it's awesome!) and had a grand old time. We talked about school, work, traveling, Woodinville, blogging, RUNNING!!!, and our mutual hatred of Wazzu and water chestnuts.

Seriously, why do they insist on putting water chestnuts in stir-frys? They add nothing but terrible texture!

She also introduced me to the Cooperhook beer, which was delicious. Apparently I'm a day drinker now, since all the alcoholic beverages I've drank over the last week have happened before 1pm. Meh.

All in all, it was a good lunch. A great success for my first ever time meeting up with someone from Twitter!


After lunch with Devon, I headed over to Redmond for a Trader Joe's run (which was totally necessary) and to stop over at the Foot Zone running store to register for my first road race!

On Feburary 11th, I will be running in the Love 'Em or Leave 'Em Valentine's Day 5k at Green Lake. I'm super excited and the people at the Foot Zone said that it was a great race for first timers. Now I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the weather isn't completely shit-tastic!

Also, in further preparation for my April 10k (which I should probably register for soon), I ran the three miles that were on my training schedule. The miles went fine. The middle of my chest felt kind of weird, like I couldn't expand it all the way, but I made it through. It was probably just a big wad of BagelThin still in my tum-tum.

I was supposed to do it at an 11:49 min/mi pace again, but I went faster again...this time with an average pace of 11:19. Oops.

As you can see on my splits, my last mile was sub-11:00. That was basically because I was running tight on time and I had to get the run over it.

Hooray for another great day off!

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