Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back To Normal

Yesterday was our first day back to regularly scheduled programming at the N-Dub. That means the return of our 4am show (ew), our 15/45 segments (woohoo) and moving our 6pm show back to 7pm. Basically, everything is slowing returning to normal after the holidays.

Of course, now that 15/45s are back, my Mondays and Tuesdays just got a whole lot busier. And I'm okay with that.

During holiday scheduling when we didn't have 15/45s, there would be long periods of time when I wasn't doing anything but waiting for the producer to stack the show.

Now that I'm back to producing the afternoon 15/45s, my days are non-stop writing. And non-stop writing means that my day goes by a lot faster. Woohoo!

But before I went back to work, I started this little thing called my 10k training. Perhaps you've heard me writing about it the last few posts. I'm super excited that I can finally get started on it. I think it's going to be a little tough for me, but the reward is going to be so great.

On the schedule was a 4 mile run at a 11:49min/mile pace. To fuel me, I had a BagelThin with sunflower butter (I'm addicted!) and sliced banana with some honey drizzled on top.

The distance seemed a little daunting at first. 4 miles would be the farthest I've ever run at one time. But I figured with such a slow pace, there was no doubt that I would be able to complete it in one piece.

Sure enough, I got the 4 miles in. My average pace was about 20 seconds faster than I was supposed to go. Whoops! I'm sure it will be okay.

The good thing I noticed about my splits was that I got faster the longer I ran, which is a good thing in my book. I believe seasoned runners call that "negative splitting." Hopefully that continues into the rest of my runs.

After the gym, I went to the bank and deposited my latest pay check, which is always a good thing. Then it was time to hit the shower and get ready for my first real commute in the 520 tolling era. Before, not everyone was back from the holiday vacations, so commutes to and from work weren't that bad. Seeing as how Tuesday was the first day back to work for a lot of folks, everyone predicted that traffic around Lake Washington would be an effing nightmare.

They even dubbed it "Toll-mageddon." Don't they know that any word ending with "-mageddon" is not going to turn out as bad as everyone thinks it's going to me? Does no one remember LA's Car-mageddon? That thing was a joke.

Sure enough, by the time I was ready to drive to work, every single route there was pretty much free. No traffic jams, no slow downs, nothing. I got to work in record time.

Once I got to work, I was so starving that I just had to eat my lunch. I guess that's what happens when you get up at the butt-crack of dawn like I did that morning. I had a slice of toast with chicken-less BBQ chicken on it, an orange, and Greek yogurt mixed with blueberries and blackberries (it's in the cool green tupperware thing my mom got me for Christmas).

Then it was off to writing for the 2pm show. I got done with that pretty quickly, so I moved on to finding stories for my upcoming 15/45s.

Since I'm also a Production Assistant, one of my jobs is to teleprompt for the newscasts. However, now that I have my 15/45 responsibilities, prompting the 2pm show takes away a half an hour where I could actually be doing work. Not cool.

Since I didn't want to lose that much time when I could have been working, I asked one of the editors to prompt the show. I mean, by the time it's 2pm, they're all done editing and just sitting around watching video. Help a girl out!

But let me tell you, not having to prompt the 2pm show made all the difference. Having that extra 30 minutes to get work done allowed me to be almost an hour ahead in writing my segments. Basically it made my day a lot less stressful.

Yesterday was also Iowa Caucus day, which meant we had caucus numbers to look out for. There were a couple of times where we had some election snafus. One was during one of my 15/45 segments.

KING set up this graphic for us that was designed to update the polling numbers automatically throughout the night. Well, right in the middle of my segment, the graphic decided to update, which made the graphics computer freeze, which means it took forever (and a lot of button pressing on my part) to get out over the air. Then once it got up, all the numbers were different from what I had written in the script. Balls. Oh well, what can you do? I guess what I learned there is to just let my anchor ad lib the numbers instead of writing them down, because they are for sure going to change.

The second snafu happened during my EP's 15/45 segment. He managed to get the graphic up with updated polling totals. The only problem was that the picture of a random bald guy was where the pictures of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich were supposed to be. Definitely not what I was expecting. My EP had now idea what was on the graphic until we told him after the segment aired. Needless to say he was not amused with the KING graphics department.

I thought it was funny as hell.

Before the 7pm show, I had a nice nutritious dinner of Trader Joe's garlic and herb pasta, turkey meatballs, and broccoli. Nom nom.

Pretty soon I was done writing for the 7pm and it was time for me to go home. Another work day done, another day closer to my weekend.


Here's a new year's resolution I forgot to add in my list at the beginning of the year: Use mouthwash and floss everyday!

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