Monday, January 2, 2012

Double Movie Monday

I had Monday off due to the New Year's holiday... and boy did I make the most of my day off!

The first thing I had to tackle before I did anything else: clean my messy-as-hell room. I mean, just look how disgraceful this is.

I don't know why I have such a hard time keeping my room at home neat. I did a good job while I was living in California. But it was like the second I started living at home again, nothing made it back into the closet.

Instead, it ended up on my papason chair.

Or the floor.

I turned my Netflix on to some Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Swedish version) and got to tidying.

Cleaning up my room pretty much took all morning. But doesn't the end result look so fabulous!!!

Let's see how long it stays like that. Although, I do remember making a New Year's Resolution saying that I would clean my room every weekend. That seems like an easy enough resolution to keep, right?

I continued my cleaning streak and cleared out my purse and wallet. Man I had a ton of crap in there. No wonder it weighed a gagillion pounds.

After clearing my wallet of old receipts and useless gift cards, it can actually close. Hooray!

I ate a really basic and raw lunch, since I was still feeling some of the affects of my ginormous bacon bleu cheese burger from Sunday. I just wanted to eat something and know exactly what I was putting in my body.

Good, clean, simple.

After lunch, I showered quickly because my parents and I were heading to the movies. The three of us were going to see the latest Mission Impossible flick, but the my dad and I were going to stay and see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Woohoo for movie double headers!

Mission Impossible was really good, definitely one of the better MI movies. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire last hour of the movie. My mom thought that I was afraid and kept reassuring me that the good guys (played Tom Cruise, Hurt Locker guy, Robin Thicke's wife, and the funny ginger from Shaun of the Dead) would ultimately prevail.

Obviously I knew that. I'm not an idiot. I was just anxious about how they were going to pull all their spy shit off. So intense!

Another thing that made the movie more intense was when the power just randomly shut off in our theater. It was like someone turned off the movie screen and there was no more movie.

But only for about five minutes. The movie came back on...just with no sound. One guy in the audience decided to add his own sound effects, since we couldn't hear anything. It was pretty amusing.

And then the sound turned back on and all was well with the world.

After MI:4, my dad and I parted ways with my mom and headed to Qdoba to get some din before GWTDT started. I thought my best bet would be to get a salad, but a burrito just sounded so damn good.

We both ended up getting the vegetarian burrito with no rice (only because so effing much of it on there). I got mine with a wheat tortilla and some guacamole (because it's delicious).

I smuggled both burritos and two bottles of water into the movie theater. Contraband! Luckily, the theater's bag Nazi wasn't out there checking everyone's bags with her shrively Nazi hands. I scarfed down my huge burrito until the movie previews started.

The previews were basically the same as the previews before MI:4. I mean, how many times can I see a preview for The Grey in a day?

Luckily, this round of previews also showed the preview for the Hunger Games movie, which looks amazing! So pumped!

Finally it was movie time, and thankfully there were no more unwelcome power outages.

I have to say that I really liked Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I wasn't really blown away by it (although it was nice to not have to read subtitles the whole time). Obviously it had great acting, great directing and all that jazz. It's a Fincher film for God's sake. I just think it lacked something that the Swedish original had (blardah, bleeduh blur?). I think the original had a darker quality while the American version was a little too Hollywood.

I will say that I do prefer Daniel Craig as my Mikael Bloomquist, and not because he is way handsomer than the Swedish version's Mikael Nyquist (who played the villain in MI:4, so there was that). I thought Craig did a great job in the movie, though I couldn't really tell whether he was trying for a Swedish accent or a subdued British accent. Whatever, he's still hot.

As for "The Girl", I like Noomi Rapace in the original over Rooney Mara. Mara was just...too pretty (even with the lack of eyebrows) to be the ass-kicking, don't-give-a-f*ck Lisbeth Salander. Noomi Rapace literally looks like she could kill you with her bare hands.

All in all, it was a successful day at the movies. Now there's only like a million other movies out that I want to see, yet don't have the time or the funds. Movie tickets are fricking expensive, man!

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