Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 23

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book(s).

How Soccer Explains the World
and I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell

I couldn't really think of one favorite book, mainly because I don't read very often. But these two books stuck out at me for very different reasons. Firstly, I like the soccer book because I like soccer, but also because it was very informative and showed the interesting parallels between world issues and soccer. I didn't know the Serbian mob was so into soccer. Secondly, I really enjoyed the Tucker Max book because it's filled with hilarious stories of his drunken sex-capades and I was laughing my ass off the whole book. There is nothing funnier than reading about a guy that diarrheas all over the foyer of a Courtyard Marriott.

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