Monday, December 6, 2010

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 01

So...there's this current trend happening on Facebook called the 30 Days of Photo Challenge, where people put a picture on their page once a day for thirty days. I am intrigued by this challenge and want to partake. However, I really don't want to put my stuff on Facebook and have people think that I'm some sort of bandwagon jumper that is only doing it because everyone else is (I know, that is exactly what I am...but I don't need people thinking it). Anyway, if I put it on my blog, then it's something that only I (as well as the people that follow my blog) need to see and look back on. Also, it's a great way to get back in the swing of writing again.

Without further ado, Day 0
1 - a picture of yourself with ten facts.

1. I had only lived in one house until I went to college, meaning I never moved as a kid.
2. I have never broken a bone (knock on wood)
3. I lived in London for nine months
4. I have gone an Alp in Switzerland
5. I would totally marry any of the starting 11 for FC Barcelona...except for maybe Carles Puyol...or Danny Alves...or Eric Abidal...but other than that I would totally marry all of them
6. I played softball for 12 years...competitively for 6
7. I LOVE bread and cheese...Peruvian staple
8. I'm half-Peruvian...and most people don't even know where Peru is
9. I'm a producer for Pepperdine University's student news broadcast and I love it...even though the people I work with sometimes infuriate me
10. I have a thing for older men.
(11. I've ridden a camel...and I liked it!)

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