Thursday, December 16, 2010

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Traffic...especially in Los Angeles...especially on the 405.

This day's photo was a little difficult for me because there are a lot of things in this world that annoy me. And I mean A LOT! But there is one thing that really erks me. It makes me so upset, that I turn into a completely other person. I call it, "Hulk Ally." The only thing that brings it out of me is...traffic. It's aggravating...and most of the time the traffic begins for no reason at all. Now, if there was an accident or something, then I would only be mildly upset. But when there's traffic for no reason whatsoever, I literally want to hurl myself into the next car.

The worst offender is definitely the 405 down in LA. I don't think I have ever driven on it when there wasn't some sort of bumper-to-bumper traffic going on. It makes me want to pull my hair out. Just thinking about it pisses me off. I got to get off this thing. Ugh!

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