Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Through Pictures

Happy Thanksgiving all!

I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but I've been busy spending some quality time with my family. Also, I just didn't feel like blogging.

But I'm back now, and ready to throw some awesome Thanksgiving pictures your way (basically because I don't want to write about it). Most of the pictures feature my cousin Maddie, who made it her mission to photo-bomb every picture taken that day.



My Thanksgiving started out with a drive up to my co-worker's apartment so I could feed her cat while she was out of town. I was a little nervous because 1) I don't like cats, 2) I didn't want to clean the cat's litter box, 3) I was afraid it would run out the door and I would spend my Thanksgiving looking for her cat, 4) I was also afraid that it would attack me and rub it's kitty anus in my face (hey, it could happen!).

Luckily the feeding went pretty quick and dirty, and the cat was pretty much afraid of me and hid under a chair.

It was probably plotting its next chance to attack and poop on me.

After feeding the cat, I went to the gym for some Turkey Day Body Pump. The class was pretty packed, which is nice. You can feed off the energy of the other people in the class.

I was not feeding off the energy of one girl, however, who was wearing a Washington State football jersey to class. Talk about barf. And she was standing right next to me. I probably got her Coug cooties on me. Bleh.

The class was pretty challenging. It mixed different sets from different releases, which made it more entertaining. It was so nice to get some sweat on before I bathed myself in cranberry mold.

After getting home and showering, my parents, grandma and I loaded up and headed to my cousins' house for our Thanksgiving feast.

I told my aunt that I would help her cook this year, so I did. Luckily my cousins Emily and Maddie wanted to help too. Cousin bonding in the kitchen!

Cousins doing a quick photo shoot in the piano room (aka the room with the piano in it). We look so good. And the familial resemblance is uncanny, right?

Cousin Maddie planking on Emily and me.

Tebowing cousins.

All is well when you're chopping bacon! Bacon on bacon on bacon.

Maddie peeling potatoes. Thank goodness she did it because I didn't feel like it.

Emily and I tag-teaming Grandma's green bean recipe.

After we three-somed on green beans, the three of us thought it would be an awesome idea that just us three would make next year's Thanksgiving feast. We said this in front of witnesses, and there's no way they're going to forget our promise. It sounded like such a great idea at the time. An idea which we may come to regret down the road. Oh well, I'm sure it will turn out great.


That my dad so expertly carved.

On to the stuffing...aka the best part of the meal duh!

Down Maddie.

I wanted to get in on the whole planking thing. I look so thin from this angle.

Gravy...the other best part of the meal!

Thug lyfe.

Hey everyone...come see how good we look!

On the couch post-dinner. I'm bloated times infinity and Emily looks all tryptophan-ed out. Good times.

Thanksgiving can be a particularly stressful time for someone who is trying to eat healthy, like myself. I told myself going into Thanksgiving dinner that I was going to eat everything, but in small portions. That way I'm still staying light while also indulging on everything there is to eat.

I was doing pretty well until I got into the gravy and it was all down hill from there. I ate a TON of food on Thursday. And I was weirdly okay with it. My stomach, however, was not okay with it. Talk about bloated to the max.

Regardless, Thanksgiving is like the one day a year where you get to pig out, so I did. The trick is to not let the one day ruin the rest of your healthy eating for the rest of the holidays. And that's what I'm going to try to focus on.


I know this is a little late, but I just want to say that I am so incredibly thankful for all the wonderful people and things happening in my life. I have the most amazing parents that support me and put up with all my shinanigans.

I'm thankful for my generous grandmother and her paying for my expensive (some might say over-priced) education so I don't have to worry about student loans. I don't know what I'd would have done without her help.

I'm also thankful for my awesome job in the city that I love. It's only part-time (for now), but I'm learning a lot and really liking all the people that I work with. Everything is just really great.

I'm thankful for a lot of other things, but the list would go on and on. I don't need to tell you how thankful I am. All that's important is that I know what I'm thankful for.


Also, enjoy this little treasure my mom and I found at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday. You're welcome.

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