Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Love Napping

Well...the pizza didn't sit too well during my workout.

I ran my required mile for the day and then did a combo of running and walking for another two miles. I just felt weird while I was running, like I didn't have enough energy or something. Plus I could totally feel my pizza sloshing around in my belly.

Note to self: Pizza is not a good pre-workout at all.

It wasn't my best run, but I got my Running Streak mile in so I guess that's what's important.

I came home and was feeling pretty burnt out. I took a quick shower, put on my pajamas, and went to bed to do some napping.

Three hours later I woke up. It was glorious. However, I was a bit cranky (as I always am after I wake up from a nap) and didn't feel like going out to eat with my parents.

Instead I stayed home and watched some more Private Practice while I iced my shins. I'm already on Season 3!

Last Night's Dinner

Nothing really sounded awesome for dinner, expect for some Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken. I baked it up and put it on top of some butter lettuce...because that makes it more healthy obviously!

My parents came home and we watched more Private Practice while my dad feel asleep on our leather Lay-Z Boy thing. I'd rather have him snoring than giving us a hard time about watching some trashy primetime soap.

I went to bed and watched Dexter until I fell asleep. Overall the episode was pretty okay, but I did not see that whole "Professor Gellar has been dead the entire time and Colin Hanks killed all those people" twist coming.

Sorry if you had no idea what I was talking about.

I woke up this morning with the full intention of wearing my purple "Bark for Sark" UW shirt to work so I could rub yet another Apple Cup loss in my Wazzu co-workers faces. But my dad thought that maybe the shirt was a little too in-your-face and that maybe I should tone it down.

I wanted to go with an "in your face" attitude because I knew that if Washington State had won, they'd be rubbing it everyone's faces. Then I realized that wearing such a loud shirt would be such a Coug thing to do. And I wanted to be above that.

So instead I wore a purple cardigan over a yellow striped shirt. A little more subtle, but still gets my message across.

Of course none of my Coug co-workers noticed but whatever.


Waffle with almond butter, crushed raspberries and honey on top.

I felt satiated... but not completely. I feel that recently all I want to do is eat, eat, eat. There's way too much good food going around and it needs to be in my belly. This is no good.


I got some "Guacamole Hummus" at (where else?) Trader Joe's the other day because I was super intrigued. It's like my two favorite condiments rolled into one. There's no way it can be bad, right?

I had it with some Ry Crisps and it was pretty good. And a little spicy. You could definitely taste both guac and hummus essences. I approve.

Work was surprisingly low-key today. My regular 15/45 producer called in sick, so I didn't get to booth the segments today. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow so I can booth some more.


Left over Mandarin Orange Chicken on some butter lettuce. And it was surprisingly delicious the day after.

Who would have thought that baked pre-cooked fried chick could be so tender? Trader Joe's apparently did. And the mandarin orange sauce makes a good salad dressing. I wonder if they sell that separately...

Looks like I need to hit up TJ's again. Good thing my mom found a $20 TJ's Gift Card in her wallet!

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