Monday, November 21, 2011

My Big Opportunity

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

This blog post is going to seem a little disjointed, but go with me here. Instead of going chronologically, starting with what I did after work yesterday morning, I'm just going to start talking about my work day today. Here it goes.

I had an awesome day at work, and not only because it was my second to last day before my three day-weekend.

I came in and helped run the teleprompter and write some stories for the 15/45 news breaks. Then, my producer asked if I wanted to have an entire 15/45 breaks for myself - meaning I picked the stories, wrote the stories, and then booth the segment...without any help.

I was definitely up for the challenge, so after I wrote my stories for the 2pm show, I started working on my news break, which was going to air at 1:15pm.

I found my three stories: King County prosecutors will not pursue the death penalty against a Seattle doctor who's accused of killing his boyfriend and toddler (yeah, crazy), a missing hunter down in Oregon (I've found that missing people usually make good 15/45 material), and the Oregon Dental Association was having their free dental clinics at the Oregon convention center.

I wrote the stories, source the video for the editors to edit, and requested my various maps and graphics. Then it was time to booth. My producer said that she wasn't even going to be in the booth with me. She trusted that I would do a good job.

Which I did! The segment went off without a hitch, expect the part where I wrote "with parole" instead of "without parole." Oops. I was pretty pissed that I missed that, and we decided to just re-tape the segment with the extra word. Oh well, at least I got more practice in the booth.

I was super exhilarating and super awesome that I got this opportunity. My producer said that I did a good job at my story selection, which is always good to hear. I hope that I get to do more of it in the future.

So that was my work day. Now on to my food and workouts and whatnot.

My workout yesterday was a three-mile run on the treadmill. I did the two miles first, then walked briskly for five minutes before running the final mile. It felt awesome. I love running now.

Last Night's Dinner

We made Sloppy Joes (or Jose Sucio as we call them) to eat while watching the MLS Cup Final. The Galaxy won. That's about all I want to say about that.


I was a little tight on time, so I made a waffle with almond butter and crushed raspberries.


Cheese and grapes. Yep, yummy yummy yummy.


I had a butter lettuce salad topped with turkey, brown rice and dried cherries...just because. There was a side of broccoli because I love fiber so damn much!

I had Body Pump this afternoon, but before class I ran two quick miles on the treadmill. I love that I can run two miles like it's no big deal.


I couldn't decide whether to eat up some chicken-less BBQ chicken or the whole wheat gnocchi from Trader Joe's. After careful deliberation, I went with the gnocchi...and it was delicious! I added some broccoli and Brussels sprouts on the side.

I mixed it with a little bit of pesto (not too much) and it ended up tasting way better than the gnocchi I had in Pisa, Italy. I gotta be honest, I was not impressed with Italian food while I was over there. Case in point, I made better gnocchi than they did.

Now for some Dancing with the Stars: The Finals and some relaxing. I had my last work day tomorrow before Thanksgiving and my grandma comes in tomorrow as well! Hot damn!

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