Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kevin Stott: Yet another black mark for MLS referees

Yesterday, I witnessed referee Kevin Stott probably make the most egregious miscarriage of justice ever to occur in a soccer game. That statement may seem a bit (a lot) hyperbolic considering I have not seen every soccer game in the history of history to know whether worse offenses were committed...but just take my word for it. You can watch this horrendous play for yourself in this handy YouTube video. Unless you want to watch all the highlights from the otherwise boring-as-hell game, fast-forward to 4:42.

Pretty effing awful, right? I think the no-call really speaks for itself.

Apparently for referees, there is a super special blood oath-type rule we have to follow that says that we shouldn't criticize other referees, no matter how awful they call a game. Well...I'm going to ignore that rule just so I can say this: Kevin Stott is a moron! I can't even imagine a more obvious penalty call, and yet, he doesn't call it. He's either severely blind or is severely "mentally challenged". (yep, I unleashed the R-word).

Let's look at a couple things that Stott might have been thinking while he was busy NOT calling a penalty for Lamar Neagle, and see if we can give him a little benefit of the doubt:

1. Lamar Neagle wasn't fouled, but instead swan-dove in the box Charlie Davies-style. First of, no he didn't. And second, if Lamar Neagle did intentionally dive head first into the turf (which no offense, but I don't think Lamar Neagle is bright enough to think about diving in the box), then Kevin Stott should have cautioned him for simulation. Since that didn't happen, (instead Eric Frieberg got carded, probably for calling the ref a bloody maroon) stands to reason that Neagle in fact didn't dive. Sorry, you get no benefit from me...yet.

2. There was no foul, and it was just a goal kick. I can see this being Stott's main line of reasoning. When you first look at the play, it appears as if Stott has blown the whistle and then pointed at the penalty spot as if to call a PK, and then runs the opposite direction like he changed his mind. Talk about moronic. But upon further review, it does seem that Stott is indeed pointing at the goal area to signify a goal kick...AND THEN runs up-field like a douche. I suppose this whole thing would have gone over easier if Stott had just stayed there and pointed, instead of running around the penalty area like he's calling a PK. But Neagle was still fouled, so I guess that Kevin Stott is still a big pile of santorum.

3. Kevin Stott was busy eye-ing a busty blonde in the front row of the Emerald City Supporters. This would make the offense somewhat forgivable because...come on. However, the only "busty blonde" that would ever be in the front row of the Emerald City Supporters would be a 250-pound man-child with a bushy blonde beard with his man-boobs suffocating in his two-sizes-too-small rave green Sounders jersey. He may or may not be wearing a plaid newsboy hat. Yet again, Stot-torum does not get the benefit of the doubt.

To be fair, I'm not putting all of the blame on Kevin Stott for the Sounders not coming away with the three points. The Sounders pretty much did everything they could NOT to score. But the fact of the matter is there was a foul against Neagle in the penalty area. At least give us a chance at a possible game-winning goal, for the love of all that is good and holy.

I just hope we don't get this sad-sack of a ref doing any more of our games. But seeing as this is the MLS, I'm sure we'll see him about three more times.


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