Friday, January 13, 2012

DownTown Abbey

The past two days have consisted of two things: going to the gym and watching Downton Abbey.

Let's talk about the first thing.

Yesterday I had my first tempo run of my training. Tempo runs consist of this (from the Glossary in my Runner's World App):

Tempo runs are preceded by a warmup and followed with a cool down. The mileage in the middle will be run at a certain pace. Veteran runners and coaches describe tempo runs as "Hard but controlled." You won't be able to talk comfortably during a tempo run, but neither should you feel as if you're racing. Stay controlled.

The tempo run I had on my schedule was for 4 miles, meaning one mile warmup followed by 2 miles run at a pace of 10 min/miles and then a one mile cool down. The warmup and the cool down seemed to take forever, mainly because I was running them extremely slowly. The two miles in between were definitely faster, but manageable. All in all, it was a good run.

After the gym, I got showered and what not and got ready for my Downton Abbey (or as I affectionately call it DownTown Abbey) season one marathon.

Essentially, the show is one of those PBS Masterpiece Theatre pieces about a British aristocratic family and their house staff living in a ginormous mansion being all stiff-upper lip and English.

I first heard about Downton Abby at last September's Emmy awards, when it pretty much won ever category it was nominated in. I thought that it was one of those boring Public Broadcasting shows and thought that I would never watch it.

Well, over the last few weeks, people have been all a-twitter about season two return of Downton, so my parents thought it would be a good idea to see what this Brit show was all about. Thankfully, Netflix had season one on instant download, so they were able to watch all seven episodes in one weekend.

Unfortunately, I have to work on the weekends, so I was way behind them. Luckily, my weekend was fast approaching, and it was my plan to watch this show.

And holy shit I can't get enough it. I don't know if it's the whole British thing or the dysfunctional rich family or the conniving waiting staff but I can see why this show won all those Emmys. It's freaking awesome. And Maggie Smith playing the family matriarch is hilarious. She really gets all the good lines.

Since I didn't finish all of season one yesterday, I'm continuing my marathon. Here's to more marriage proposals, talk of inheritence, evil middle sisters and douchey footmen.

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