Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Day After

The wake-up call woke me up at 8:30 this morning, and I felt surprisingly chipper considering I had only gone to bed at 1:30. Maybe it's because I was so happy that I didn't have to be at work at 4 in the morning. I don't think I would have survived if that were the case.

After getting up, I went down to the lobby to get Victoria and I some breakfast. I knew that finding a healthy meal down there would be a challenge, but I tried to make the best out of the situation.

There was a hot breakfast buffet that you had to eat in the restaurant, and a cold breakfast buffet that you could potentially sneak up to your room. I peeked at the hot stuff and it was the usual hotel fare: biscuits, waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon, blah, blah, blah. Nothing tickled my fancy, and I didn't want to get Victoria an unhealthy breakfast.

I picked up some instant oatmeal packets, apples, slices of whole wheat toast, peanut butter and honey for our oatmeal. It was pretty healthy if I don't say so myself.

I waited about an hour after eating to go to the fitness center to run my mandatory mile. It was whatever. But the gym at the hotel was even sadder than the Sad Little Gym at work. Either way, I got my mile in for the day.

After showering and getting myself all beautiful (because after all, I still had to go to work), we hit the road to downtown Seattle where we were going to have some lunch.

The drive up I-5 was pretty good until we got past Tukwila (and the 405 exit). That's when signs started saying it was going to take 30 minutes to get to Seattle. That numbers a bit high considering it should take about ten minutes to get from Tukwila to Seattle on a regular day. Sure enough, once we hit Boeing Field, it was wall to wall traffic.

According to my dad, that kind of traffic is normal on a Saturday, but I'm calling bullshit on that one. It took us about 45 minutes alone to get from Boeing Field to the Mercer Exit to get to my work building. And once we got to the exit, it was like another ten minutes to to get off the off-ramp. Ridiculous in a bad way.

At least I had some good tunes to keep me company.

Finally we made it to the parking lot, and Victoria got in my car so we could go to a crepe restaurant I've been wanting to try. We drove there and miraculously found a parking spot on the street close to the restaurant. Must have been good karma for all the shitty traffic we havd to sit through.

It was a tiny place called "Saley" on Olive Way, but it smelled deliciously crepe-y when we got inside. Both of us ordered the La Reine savory crepe, which can chicken, bacon (!), spinach, tomato, swiss cheese and their homemade crepe sauce.

Ohemgee the crepes were so good! I hadn't had one since I living in London and this was Victoria's first crepe ever. I was so happy that her first crepe experience was such a happy one. We scrafed those things down like it was our job. Definitely going to have to go back there and get a sweet crepe. Mmmm...nutella!

After dropping Victoria back at her car, I drove down Denny to the Whole Foods to get myself something for dinner. Why was I getting dinner at Whole Foods, you ask? Oh, probably because I left my sandwich leftovers from last night in the fridge at the Tacoma. Massive food fail. Oh well, at least I knew I would get something healthy (and over-priced) at WF.

I arrived at work about a half an hour early, and the place was even more quiet than it is on the weekend mornings. So eerie. But hey, I'd rather have a quieter weekend night shift than a slightly louder shift at 4 in the morning!

While we were chilling, we heard a "ho, ho, ho" come into the newsroom. It was Allen Schauffler, who anchors at KING on the weekends, wearing a Santa hat. I had a mini-freak out because I watch the Schauff on the news all the time. Woohoo for Seattle celebrity sighting!

He went around the room calling himself "Santa Pez" and let each of us pick out a tiny knick-knack from his box of goodies. I picked out a holiday polar bear pez despenser because how cute is that!

One of editors told Santa Pez, "Whatever Santa wants to give me that's fine." That's when the Schauff had the best line of the day: "Santa doesn't have all f*cking day so pick something!" I almost died laughing. I didn't know that Allen Schauffler had such a potty mouth. Too hilarious.

I did some writing for the 6:30pm show. Actually it was a lot of writing. This was the producer's first weekend night show on her own, and she gave me a lot of stories.

After the 6:30 was done, I fiddle-farted around until I had my dinner: Whole Foods teriyaki chicken with brown rice, peppers, bok choy (I think) and some garlicky broccoli.

It was okay. Kind of bland and over-priced, just like everything in WF.

Then it was on to writing for the 10:30 update and prompting for the Sports Show. Fun times, good times!

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