Sunday, August 29, 2010

Senior Year Bucket List

"The Dog Days Are Over...The Dog Days Are Gone
The Horses Are Coming So You Better Run..."

I may not be interpreting the words of this song exactly right, but I feel like the "dog days" signify the times I have had at school, while the "horses" represent the ever-impending doom of real life. The horses are coming towards me faster and faster and my times at school are fading into the distance. Over the past week while I was home, my friend pointed out to me that I needed to experience more during my last year in college (eek!) and at first I was a little put off by the comment. I mean...I lived in London for a year and got to travel all of the continent doing things that I never thought I would do (like paragliding off a f*cking Alp!). Who was he to judge the experiences I have already had? But then after some thought, I figured that he was right. I looked back on my junior year and figured that I couldn't have had as much fun as I could have had. My dog days very boring...very dog-like. I decided that this year -- my senior year -- I was going to have more fun, make new friends, and make some mistakes. It could help me grow as a person and help me figure out what I like and what I don't. I decided to make a Senior Year Bucket List. Here it is...and keep in mind that it is a work in progress.

  • Attend a Pepperdine Water Polo match -- Going into my freshman year I said that I would go to a lot of them...and then never did. That ends this year.
  • Hike to the Hollywood sign -- Because that seems like the cool thing to do and I could say I've done it.
  • Go to more clubs -- Preferably ones in West Hollywood because they are mostly filled with gay guys who won't harass me.
  • Do hot yoga -- I have heard from a lot of people that it is a good work out, and I think it would be good for me to spend some "me" time
  • Go to an Oaks Christian HS football game -- They are amazing at football, and since Pepperdine is lame and doesn't have a team, this a pretty fair alternative. Plus Will Smith's kid plays there.
  • Take a tequila shot -- My friend Shannon is obsessed with them (not in an alcoholic sort of way) but I never took them with her because I didn't really like tequila and I was too chicken to take shots for fear of throwing up. But, last night, I took my very first one at a bar we were at, and it actually wasn't that bad aside from the initial burn haha.
  • Malibu Wine Tasting Tour -- Apparently Malibu does do wine tasting tours, so I thought it was be interesting to see if their piss wine can compare to the stuff we have in Washington.
Do feel free to add things I should try to my Bucket List in the comments section. Suggestions are always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. How about...

    * "Referee an over-30's men's soccer match all by myself." That'll get your adrenalin going and build up your tolerance of whiny has-beens.

    * "Put on a reporter's hat, get a friend to tag along with a video camera, and go interview random athletic types at 5K races, Triathlons, bike races and other sports events, just to see how they react." Tell them you are the famous Ally B from KPDU. Then 5 years from now they will be able to say they were interviewed by you!

    * Ride the LA Subway. It may not be around long.

    * Go to a UCLA football game with a sign saying "Go Rams". Or a USC game with a sirn saying "Go Raiders". Or a Dodgers game with a sign saying "Go Brooklyn". See how many people ask you why.

    * Go to Venice beach and count the blondes. Or, to make it easier, the non-blondes.

    * Select three Freshmen to be your minions and satisfy your every whim for the year.

    * Most of all, ENJOY it. It's the last chance you get.
