Monday, February 7, 2011

A February Resolution

For the last few weeks, I haven't been in the best mood and on the drive back from campus, I think I figured out what has gotten me so down. There is just too much complaining/griping/bitching in my life. Now, I will admit that I do my fair share of complaining/griping/bitching. Either I don't like my classes or the people I work with are imbeciles or the weather is bad...whatever. Sometimes it's good to bitch every now and then.

But the worst part is, whenever I hang out with friends, all we do is complain/gripe/bitch. In fact, there are times when my friends call me up and bitch for 30 minutes straight about their teachers, or their sorority, or their family, or their homework. It's like I'm their therapist. And I know that listening and comforting is the "good friend" thing to do, but when every time we talk it's all about their problems...that is where I have to draw the line.

This is where my new resolution kicks in. A pledge that for the month of February...and possibly beyond...I will not complain/gripe/bitch about anything with any of my friends (unless it involves my Religion 304 class/professor. If you have that class, you'd understand) or family. Also, I hope that my friends read this and take this same pledge not to complain/gripe/bitch...especially in my presence.

To quote the great Howard Beale in Network..."I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"

This is my final semester of college, and while there is a lot of stress that can lead to complaining/griping/bitching…I still want to enjoy this final chapter in my non-adulthood before I go out and have real problems to deal with. So everybody just needs to lighten the f*ck up. We’re young, we’re healthy, we’re well-educated and the whole world is out there waiting for us. There are a lot of people with much bigger burdens than we have right now. So S.T.F.U.!