Tuesday, January 4, 2011

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 30

Hooray!!! I can't believe I actually completed this 30 day challenge without forgetting a day...which rarely happens. Thanks to everyone who was following my blog and my crazy pictures. I'm glad someone out there is paying attention. Here it is, Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

It's not that I am missing just one person. Instead, I'm missing an entire family...my referee family. For almost four years I spent a lot of time with these people, and I can say that it was some of the best times in my life. We traveled together, lived together, worked together, played together, joked together (mainly joked together)...it was just some really great times. Some of the people that I have met refereeing have become some of my closest friends (you know how you are). I haven't kept in touch with a lot of them, which is kind of awful, because it's almost like a big chuck of my life is missing. I wish I could see them more often, especially now that everyone is getting engaged or married. I miss my friends and I hope that everyone is well!

Monday, January 3, 2011

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 29

Almost done...just one more day left. Day 29 - A picture that always make you smile.

After a month of agonizing, nothing made me happier than to see my team, SPAIN, win the World Cup. Literally never fails to put a smile on my face. I love SPAIN!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 28

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.

I know that this is super cliche, but I am afraid of spiders. Actually, I'm afraid of most bugs. It's not just their creepy-crawler nature or the fact they have like eight eyes and 2,000 legs that scares me. In fact, I'm afraid of having to kill them via toilet paper squish. I don't know what it is, but I have a hard time ending their time in this world by smothering them with a piece of paper. Somehow, I think it's the fact that I can feel their life being squished out of them that freaks me out. I can just imagine it being really gross in there. That's why whenever there's a spider or a large bug in my apartment, I usually just suck them up in the vacuum...or I have my mom kill it. Spiders are gross.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

30 Days of Photos Challenge - Day 27

Day 27 - A picture of you and a family member.

Me and my Dad in Maui.

I just got back from Maui late last night and am very tired. I don't feel like writing a whole lot...so here's a picture of my dad and I. Happy New Year.